
Kick Game Proper!

Hello all. Okay so I was in the ride extra early this morning when I flipped to Big Boys Radio, and caught the tail end of an interesting discussion they were having about our First Lady, Michelle Obama. Apparently she was doing volunteer work on Wednesday at a food bank in Washington D.C., sporting an expensive pair of kicks. My first thought was "Okay...she's the First Lady. ALL of her shoes are probably expensive." Anyway they were saying that some people were bothered by her choice of footwear, given the condition of the nation's economy. The Lanvin shoes run around 540-550 bucks.

I'm not sure if this is the exact style she was rocking, but it's pretty much how most of their athletic shoes for women look, and I'm pressed for time. For anyone who doesn't know, Lanvin is a french design house. Very upscale. Anywho, let me get to my point: WHO CARES? I must say that these shoes are quite ugly in my opinion. Still not the point lol. If it's what she likes, then she should not have to be criticized for it. Entertainers rock expensive kicks all the time, it's not a big deal. It comes with the territory. One of the reasons to make a better life for yourself is to enjoy lifes luxuries. And what about the designer? should they be starving artists 'cause people don't think it's "politically correct" to purchase their items. Come on people. I think people were needing something to say about Michelle, and chose this as their opportunity. And who doesn't like rare kicks? Exactly. In other news,

"First the Fat Boys Break Up*"....Now this:

Say it ain't so! It is. I'm sure by now we've all learned that one of hip-hop's favorite couples are throwing in the towel. It's a shame, I really like them together but you never know what goes on behind closed doors. According to Kelis he's "verbally abusive", and also a cheater which is never okay. I don't blame either for the split, I just hope it doesn't get ugly. A public divorce has to be hard enough. At least she didn't say he's physically abusive. Eh, I don't know what to make of it, but that's not my job. This is their personal lives.

& If You Don't Know,
Now You Know!
*"First the fat boys break up..." - Jay-Z, Heart of the City

1 comment:

  1. I laugh at individuals who expect the First Lady of the most powerful country wearin' discount skippies...

    Let them have access to expensive luxuries, and all that politically correct shit is goin' out the window...

    There always lookin' for somethin' to say. Should the race card come into play? Cause you don't hear them tawlkin' 'bout how a majority of those loose, rich, white women throw money away like it's goin' outta style...

    As far as Nas & Kelis...Man, I just hope the process is peaceful & out of the spotlight
